Fulfilling Dreams… Where To Begin?

I’m amazed when I consider what multi-faceted creatures we are. We are capable of having more than one strength, more than one passion, more than one dream, more than one talent…

Yet there are so many of us who cannot name even one strength, one passion, one dream or one talent.


Did we once have dreams that were crushed?

Did we have a talent not cultivated or given opportunities for growth?

Were our passions snuffed out due to impassible obstacles?

Were our strengths never recognized?

We are intricately created – each of us unique. We all have something special inside, even if it is buried deep down, crusted over and burnt.

If you want to re-claim those special attributes that you alone possess… you can.  Ignore the voice that tells you no.  Give yourself permission to open the sealed jar nestled inside, waiting patiently to be opened.

Close your eyes for a moment, in quietness, allowing yourself to return to childhood…

“What were my desires, my hopes, my goals?”

“If I could do anything, what would it be?”

Ask your Heavenly Father to reveal the dreams instilled within you from birth.

Begin there.  Do you feel a stirring inside of you? If so, linger.  Allow yourself to enter the world of “What if…”.

Take notes. Write down everything that flows into your thoughts. Nothing is too wild or outlandish.  Keep writing for the next few days as things come to mind. I think you’ll be surprised at what you discover about yourself and the powerful potential you carry.

“A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul.”  Proverbs 13:19a