I am pleased to introduce Geneva Cobb Iijima, a children’s book author. Since the 1970s, 70 of her articles have been printed and four of her books are published.
CM: Geneva, what prompted you to begin writing?
Geneva: We lived in Japan. Every day seemed to be filled with adventures. I didn’t want to forget them, so I enrolled in a correspondence course for Christian writers.
CM: How long did it take from the time you began writing until you actually saw your work in print?
Geneva: There is a lag between the time something is submitted until it is published, so maybe a couple of years for children’s articles.
CM: Did your first submission get published?
Geneva: My beginning was humble. My first assignment was to send in a puzzle to a children’s publication and it did get published. I remember how excited I was.
CM: What were the top three things most beneficial to you in learning the craft of writing?
Geneva: Attending an annual writers’ conference was a huge help. I met Mary Warren, a children’s book writer, at my first conference. She encouraged me, boosting my confidence. I joined her critique group and that sharpened my skills.
CM: It seems many writers are finding it very beneficial to attend conferences and join a critique group. I hear you have a book recently published, please tell us about it.
Geneva: Jesus Loves Us All, my most recent book, is a picture book of contrasts showing that Jesus loves all sorts of people. My original plan for it was to be a full size picture book with beautiful illustrations. However, God planned it as a 6×9 picture booklet illustrated with photos of many kinds of people. My church helped me print it in English to be placed in food boxes for poor people and for other children who might not have any books. Since the tsunami in Japan, we printed it in Japanese for families displaced by the disaster. I believe it will eventually be printed in many languages.
CM: That sounds wonderful! Anything else you would like to share with us?
Geneva: Persistence is important. I sent The Way We Do It In Japan out 25 times before a very prestigious publisher accepted it. Being sensitive to God’s plan for each project is also critical. As with Jesus Loves Us All, His plan is sometimes much larger than ours. Please visit me at www.genevaiijima.com.
CM: Thank you Geneva!