Our ‘Author Snapshot’ for October features Brandie Muncaster, showcasing her picture book, Garden Tales: A Seed’s Story. Brandie has generously offered a softcover book to three randomly chosen commenters! Winners will be announced on October 16th, 2020.*

Brandie shares with us:
“Garden Tales: A Seed’s Story” is a children’s book about a seed named Sally who grew up in the dirt, looked like dirt, and felt like dirt growing up. As a result, she believed she was a piece of dirt because there wasn’t much that distinguished her from her surroundings as she grew. One beautiful spring day, the gardener walked by and commented on her beauty. She was perplexed by his compliment and hardly knew how to respond. Sally tried to explain to him that she was just a piece of dirt, but as they talked, the gardener revealed something that changed her life forever. The gardener showed her that she wasn’t a piece of dirt, and in fact, she was a beautiful flower. It took time for Sally to unravel the lies that she had believed about herself for so long but eventually accepted who the gardener said she was. Not too long after her encounter, Sally began to help the flowers around her discover their beauty. Sally had found her purpose in life. The garden became a beautiful, joyful place to live.

About the author:
Brandie Muncaster is a wife, mother to three beautiful children and author of the brand-new children’s book “Garden Tales: A Seed’s Story.” Brandie started writing because she has a passion for helping people discover what it means to live and walk in their true identity. She and her husband have been married over a decade and have three children. They happily reside in the Charlotte, NC area.
Connect with the author:
Social Media Links:
Facebook profile: https://www.facebook.com/brandie.muncaster.9
Instagram profile: https://www.instagram.com/p/CFtCaCtFjoQ_EnOa6pRZhsXogTzj241ShLWUMA0/?igshid=pw3i0sa24jg4
Links to purchase book:
Brandie Muncaster’s website: https://brandiejmuncaster.com/book-store/
Kingdom Winds: https://kingdomwinds.com/product/garden-tales-a-seeds-story-hardcover/
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1645900088/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_V32CFbVE9KW2M
Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/garden-tales-brandie-muncaster/1136704920?ean=9781645900092
*Book winners must reside within the continental U.S.
10.16.2020 Edited to add: The winners of a soft cover copy of Garden Tales: A Seed’s Story are: Amy LeMae Brewer, Geneva Cobb Iijima and Marie Shelton. Congratulations!!

wow, sounds great I’m going to grab a copy.
Well, I love a good lesson from the garden and flowers! These are some of my favorite things to share with others too. Looks like a great book for a gift or to pull out for the season of planting, or maybe a child who needs to see their potential. I am a firm believer that flowers and gardens have so much to offer us in understanding. I am also a wreath maker of dried and fresh flowers. I’d love this book!
What a beautiful story! I love it. And it’s a wonderful lesson for children with low self-esteem. Thank you, Carole for sharing this wonderful book and insights about the author with us.
What a beautiful story to have in a child’s library! In a challenging world, it encourages focus on uplifting positives and freedom from lies that hold us back. This is a book that will bring heartwarming hugs for reader and listener at the end. A book to be read and reread many times.