Each day, you can take steps to create warmth and connection with your family, even at the start of the day. This gives them the best chance for a bright morning and they leave for the day feeling loved, valued and treasured.
Here are 12 tips for a great weekday morning that will get everyone off to a fantastic start:
1. Get Up Early
Rise before everyone else in the home. If you work, you’ll want to be up extra early so you have time the time needed to get yourself ready first.

2. Take a Moment to Connect with God
Allow Holy Spirit to fill you with the peace and love needed to pour out to your family for the day. It’s hard to pour out to others when you are running on empty.
3. Express Love Through the Sound of Your Voice
Use a warm and gentle tone when waking your family as well as through the morning. Let them hear love in your voice. Let them see you smiling.
4. Ask How They Slept
If they didn’t sleep well, find out if they aren’t feeling well, if something is troubling them or if there is something that is keeping them awake that you can tend to later (like not having enough blankets to keep them warm through the night.)
5. Make a Protein-Rich Breakfast

Ensure they start their day with a protein-rich breakfast. Protein provides energy to stay motivated through the morning, increases alertness and supports a healthy metabolism. Our protein-rich breakfasts vary, but we often have a breakfast burrito (scrambled eggs and shredded cheddar cheese wrapped in a flour tortilla) or a nutrient-dense chocolate protein shake if we are having oatmeal or other grains. (see here for healthy chocolate shake options)
If they aren’t feeling well, add powdered vitamin C to their protein shake. If they are running late, they can take the breakfast with them, on the go. (Pour shakes into lidded cups and wrap breakfast burritos in napkins.)
6. Keep the Morning Lunch-Making Routine Quick and Easy
In our pantry, we each have a food shelf with bagged snacks and drinks that can be easily grabbed for quickly building personalized lunches. Dinner left-overs are stored in small Tupperware containers the night before and marked with names, so everyone can grab and go. Sandwich and wrap supplies are all kept together on the same shelf in the fridge so we don’t spend time searching for each needed ingredient.
7. Write Notes of Encouragement
Once in a while, tuck a handwritten note into their lunch bag, with words that express your love for them. You can also write down the scripture verse that you have been praying over them daily. For young kids that you are packing lunches for, you can cut their sandwiches into stars or hearts, write a note with added stickers, and include a ‘fun fact’ card (my boys love the dinosaur fact cards and trading cards).
8. Prep the Night Before
Besides setting aside leftovers the night before, ensure coats, backpacks, shoes, keys, etc, are in their proper places, all school forms are signed, homework is gathered and ready, and they have clean clothing options for what they will wear in the morning.
9. Keep Your Focus on Them
Don’t allow yourself to get distracted by your phone or anything else that can wait until later. Be fully present and attentive to their needs.

10. Shower Them with Affection
Even during the morning rush, shower them with affection. A gentle touch on their shoulder, back, and arm releases tension and makes them feel loved and secure. I do this every chance I get, and in return my family embraces me in a giant hug before they head out – and that puts a big smile on my face.
11. Express Positive Statements as They Leave
When saying goodbyes, express heartfelt statements, such as, “Have a great day, I love you!” Sometimes, they’ll run back to give me an extra hug and I love that.
12. Pray a Covering of Protection
As they walk away, say a prayer for their safety and protection through the day.

From the time they wake up, until they are out the door, it’s a fast-paced 30 minutes for us. Then I rush to get myself off to work. Sometimes things go way off course, because not every morning will go smoothly. But those mornings when each family member leaves with a contented expression on their face, you know it’s all worthwhile.