When someone asks me about my ‘works in progress’ and I bring up the Nephilim, I get quizzical looks. And I often get asked these same questions:
What are the Nephilim?
The Nephilim were the offspring of the “sons of God” and the “daughters of men” before the flood (deluge), according to Genesis 6:1–4. While the Bible touches on it lightly, there is more about the Nephilim in apocryphal texts, such as Enoch, Jasher and Jubilees.
And then the Nephilim show up again later, after the flood, in historical texts, legends and myths.

Why would you choose to write about the Nephilim?
It’s so fascinating! It’s like putting puzzle pieces together as I dig in to ancient history. I’m constantly searching for connecting points, motivations behind actions, and discovering unusual facts, myths and/or legends that I’ve never heard.
Why are you writing a movie script about the Nephilim even though it’s hard to break into the movie industry?
I’m writing the movie script first as a foundation. The more research I do, the more I realize this could be a show series for streaming. Either way, once I have the script(s) written, I will then fill it in to create a novel or a book series. Once completed, I have a few connections with those working in the film industry and I’m looking forward to getting their feedback on the script version. Eventually both types of manuscripts will get submitted accordingly (one in script format and one for a novel) and I’ll see which one gets the attention of an agent, producer or editor first.

As I’m researching and writing, I’m also jotting down notes for a YA spin-off series, as well as an MG stand-alone series. There’s a lot of great material sparking my imagination and I plan to utilize it to the fullest.
When will you be finished?
It will be a long while before this huge project is complete. I’ve recently discovered excellent research materials on Gutenberg.org and I’m working my way through those treasure troves of information.
My priority is to finish my ‘princess’ middle grade trilogy which I hope to complete in the next few months. I’m also working on a kid’s non-fiction book proposal – a fun project that is being co-authored with my oldest daughter. Stay tuned for more news coming on that one!