One of my writing goals for 2019 is to write two picture book manuscripts each month. Then, if I reach my goal, I’ll have 24 completed picture book manuscripts at the end of the year. And that would be amazing! A lofty goal, considering I’m working two jobs and have four children. Yet, better to aim high, right? I have plenty of ideas, but if for some reason I get stuck, I’ve given myself permission to write kid’s magazine articles each month instead (and I have a huge cache of ideas/reference materials waiting there as well).
We are now half way into the year and so far I’ve met my monthly goal (yeah, man!). However, it occurred to me that all these manuscripts are piling up and I need get them sent out to publishing houses. Especially since it can take months to hear back about an inquiry. Sometimes, you don’t hear back at all. Ever.

So for the month of July, I decided I need to spend focused time writing cover letters and prepping my manuscripts to publishing house specs, as each publishing house has different requirements and expectations.
And I’ve been busy! So far this month, I’ve sent out 47 submissions (Yes, you read that right. FORTY-SEVEN submissions). Woohoo! Some publishing houses accept email queries and some will only accept hard copies (the photo above shows a few of the hard copies I’ve recently mailed).
There are more publishing houses I’d like to submit to, so I’ll keep sending them throughout the month of July. Think I can get to 100?
And then in August, I’ll return to my original goal of writing two picture book manuscripts each month. Because really, I’d rather be using my imagination and creativity to simmer over new ideas while dreaming up new worlds and fun, quirky characters. Wouldn’t you?

7/24/19 Edited to add: I’m so happy! I set a goal to send out 100 manuscript submissions to publishing houses in July and tonight I met that goal!!
And now I wait. While I wait, I’ll write. And writing is the best part.