As a working, single mom of four kids, I slip in precious moments of writing time whenever I can. It’s the weekend writing retreats that have enabled me to get large chunks of writing completed in just a few days. Getting away from household chores, the never-ending to-do list, and the needs of my family in order to have uninterrupted, focused writing time is priceless.
I’ve experienced a variety of different writing retreats and they are all beneficial in different ways.
As a Group

With my critique group we rent a beach house together for a long weekend every year. We plan ahead for meals (who will prepare meals on which days) and create a schedule to ensure we not only have plenty of writing time but also time for critiqueing each others work, a walk on the beach together, sharing what we’ve learned about the writing industry, as well as a time of group prayer for our writing goals. There’s lots of inspiration, motivation and encouragement at these fantastic retreats.
One on One

I’ve gone with another writing friend, or with my mom or my oldest daughter. I’ve stayed in a variety of locations – in an RV in a wooded park, on the beach, or at the mountains. I’ve also stayed at a friend’s in-law’s home, utilizing their guest room. When it’s one on one, the schedule is a bit looser as we simply accommodate each other’s needs, checking in now and then to see if we should take a break and go eat, or if we should review each other’s work.
This one on one time allows for extended brainstorming with each other, presenting ideas for feedback, strengthens friendships, and allows us to dig deep into sharing the heart and goals of our writing.

I’ve gone for weekends alone to a beach studio. This results in the highest volume of writing, but I’ve learned I need to ensure I have plenty of snacks, ready and nearby, otherwise I’ll get so immersed in my writing that I will forget to eat!
Regardless of the amount of people or the location of the retreat, the result is always the same. I return home refreshed, content with the progress I’ve made and eager to schedule the next one. Find a way to schedule your writing retreat, you’ll be glad you did.