The Importance and Power of Middle Grade Fiction

When I was 11 years old, living in Alturas, California, I would ride my bicycle 1.2 miles to the little Modoc County Library on 3rd street. During the summer I was there every week, skimming the shelves, seeking middle grade novels that would help me understand the tumultuous world around me as well as provide an escape from reality. I would check out as many books as would fit into the basket of my bicycle, then happily ride home, eager to crack open a book and immerse myself within the pages.

When I felt a sense of injustice in a story I read, it was very powerful when a character would fight back, despite all that is coming against them, despite all the obstacles and fears. To fight for themselves, and for others. To stand strong, no matter what.

I remember reading some novels that didn’t set well with me. Some provided encouragement and hope. A few made me laugh. And then there were those that impacted me for the rest of my life.

One of my favorite series was The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. Filled with adventure, magic and a bit of mystery, the stories showed that adversity will test and strengthen our resolve. Troubles push us forward, stretching and pulling us outside of our comfort zones, while giving us clarity as to who God is in the midst of it all.

As my core beliefs and independent identity were developing, I sought novels that would reinforce those beliefs, as well as provide growth and understanding about the world and the relationships that surrounded me. It’s within the pages of these Narnia stories I learned that God will allow and sometimes cause difficulties, because in the end it will not only draw us closer to Him, but also bring about a greater purpose.

“I was the lion who forced you to join with Aravis. I was the cat who comforted you among the houses of the dead. I was the lion who drove the jackals from you while you slept. I was the lion who gave the horses the new strength of fear for the last mill so that you should reach King Lune in time. And I was the lion you do not remember who pushed the boat in which you lay, a child near death, so that it came to shore where a man sat, wakeful at midnight, to receive you.”
C.S. Lewis, The Horse and His Boy

It was this understanding that caused me to take a step back in every difficult situation I encountered, to look at the bigger picture. What is God doing in my life through this? How can I allow it to grow me?  Will I choose to trust Him through it all?

As a result, even as a child, my faith muscles grew.

Middle Grade readers are developing their own thoughts and views of the world, forming their beliefs about what is right and wrong, and learning how their daily choices impact themselves and those around them. They’re also discovering there is much in life that is out of their control.  Yet, they still maintain a sense of awe and wonder, and have a delightful sense of humor. These are the best years for them to encounter God and learn about who He is, because they haven’t yet been jaded by the darkness and cynicism of our world.

It wasn’t until years later, in high school, when my desperate prayers weren’t being answered that I began to question God and His sovereignty, that a quote from the Narnia books surfaced in my heart, “He’s not a tame lion.”

“Gone! And you and I quite crestfallen. It’s always like that, you can’t keep him; it’s not as if he were a tame lion.” ― C.S. Lewis, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

And I remembered…God is not tame. He cannot be controlled. Just because we see how our answered prayers would be beneficial to us and the world around us, He sees what we cannot see. He knows what we do not know. While I don’t get to choose what will happen to me, or which prayers get answered, I do get to choose how I will respond to difficulties. And I can remind myself that the fires in our lives make us soft and moldable, so that God can shape us into being more like Jesus.

What we read during our growing years will influence our minds and hearts forever. It is stored in crevices and corners that we’ve forgotten and will spring up at unexpected moments. Choose novels that will reinforce your children’s budding ideologies while nourishing their hearts and souls. Invite them into conversation about what they’ve read. Then watch them strengthen those faith muscles and grow. They are never too young to stand up for what they believe in or to make a powerful difference in the lives of others.

Cascade Awards 2020 – Double Finalist

I feel so honored and amazed that two of my picture book manuscripts have been chosen as double finalists for the upcoming Cascade Awards!

The titles are ‘Prayer is My Super Power!’ And ‘Communion on the Moon – Just Like Buzz Aldrin’.

Prayer is My Super Power! uses the power of prayer to crush the enemy like a sumo wrestler, slice through fear like a ninja and cut through darkness like a karate chop. The enemy is demolished like a wrecking ball by using the powerful name of Jesus!

When my youngest son was experiencing dark shadows and terrors in his room, he needed to know that he has power and authority over the enemy. The words we speak have impact and influence, and we are never too young to engage in spiritual warfare. This story was written for him, but I sincerely hope it blesses many children and strengthens their faith!

Communion on the Moon – Just Like Buzz Aldrin: A child imagines traveling to the moon and takes Communion, just like Buzz Aldrin did, experiencing the wonder and gratitude of Jesus’ sacrifice, love and peace. Jesus is never far from us, even if we travel all the way to the moon.

Communion is one of the holy rhythms of our family that we love to partake in. While searching for children’s literature to reinforce and build on this beautiful, sacred act of cleansing our souls and drawing us nearer to Jesus, I couldn’t find what I was looking for so I wrote this story. I hope it helps children understand the importance of Communion while stirring within them a desire to be closer to the One who sacrificed His life on the cross for us.

The Cascade Awards ceremony is usually held in Portland in August at the Oregon Christian Writer’s conference. However, this year the conference and awards ceremony will be virtual, with the awards ceremony available via Livestream.  To learn more about this annual event click here.

Princess Trilogy – Clash of Crowns | Writing Update from Carole Marie

As much as I loved reading princess stories when I was young, I found it frustrating whenever the answer to all the lady’s problems was to marry a prince. And while finding the love of a good-hearted man is appealing (and wonderful if you find him), it shouldn’t be the ultimate and final goal for young ladies, nor should they expect marriage to resolve all of their problems. Right?

I decided to write a different type of princess story, one where the heroine discovers the importance of character growth and the beauty of selflessness and kindness.

In 2005, while pregnant with my first son, I began writing a picture book manuscript titled, Perdita the Prodigal Princess. After reading the story, my critique group asked me to expand on it as they felt there was potential for it to be longer and more fully developed.  I had no intention of writing anything other than a picture book, but heeded their advice and began efforts toward a chapter book. 

After presenting this ‘chapter book’ revision to my critique group, they strongly recommended I go deeper with the story and characters.

Okay, I admit, I was miffed. That’s not what I wanted to hear from them. But I decided I’d give it a shot to write a middle grade novel, and go deeper with character development and subplots.  The more I wrote, the more I realized how much I love writing for middle grade. 

Two-thirds into writing this princess novel, I needed a break and focused on other writing projects.

In 2019, I pulled out my ‘princess’ manuscript from years ago with the intention of completing it. Finally. However, after looking at the word count, I realized it is WAY too long for a middle grade novel and it’s not even finished yet!  That’s when it occurred to me that I could split it into three books to create a trilogy.

I went through the manuscript and carved it into three sections, then created a new ending for book one. It’s now in the process of getting critiqued while I work on polishing and revising book two.  Woot!! 

Tentative titles for the Clash of Crowns Series:

  • Amethyst Ball (book one)
  • Ring of Promise (book two)
  • Crowning Moment (book three)

My goal is to have the manuscript for book three completed and polished by the end of 2021. I’ll keep you posted on my progress!

Favorite Read-Alouds for Big Kids | Bedtime Rituals | Warmth & Connection in the Home

One of our favorite bedtime rituals is to gather every night with blankets, pillows and cozy blankets for reading aloud. When my children were little, I read to them from picture books. Now that they are older, we read from novels.

I use a warm and soothing tone as I read, snuggling up and allowing my listeners to imagine the story unfolding. One chapter is read each evening unless, of course, we simply MUST know what’s going to happen next, then we read more!  (Last year we read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl within just a few evenings because we couldn’t read just one chapter at a time. We love that book!)

Not only do we enjoy reading these stories with so many amazing characters and fun adventures, there are many benefits to reading aloud to children as well.

  • It enriches and grows their language development and skills.
  • It encourages a love for reading.
  • It introduces them to new places in the world and provides educational opportunities.
  • It grows their imagination.
  • They learn empathy.
  • It is memorable family time.

Take a look at the Pinterest link provided where I’ve pinned some of our big-kid favorite read-alouds. Enjoy!

Friday Night Fun – Favorite Board Games | Hospitality in the Home | Family Connection

One of our favorite activities to enjoy with guests is to play a game after enjoying a meal together.  Besides having fun and building connection, there are other great benefits to board games as well, such as:

  • Improving memory and cognitive skills
  • Reducing stress
  • Child development
  • Offers opportunities for learning
  • Sharpens focus
  • Teaches the value of teamwork
  • Laughter and memory making!

We’re not competitive when we play, we simply enjoy the process of good gaming together. One of our Christmas traditions is to buy a new game early in December and play it throughout the month. Over the years, we’ve accumulated quite a few games and have identified our favorites.

When we have a large group of people in our home, we’ve found these two games to be the most enjoyable for everyone, young and old, while still allowing for lots of chatter and side conversations:

When we have six to eight players, we’ll pull out these games:

For up to five players, we enjoy:

For up to four players, we enjoy:

As we continue to add more games to our collection each year, I’ll update this list when we discover more games worth mentioning. This Friday night, we’ll be pulling out a game to enjoy together and I’m hoping you’ll do the same!

Daily Devotions with Kids | The Power of Prayer | Welcoming Holy Spirit

Every evening, I lead my boys (ages 11 and 14) in devotions for spiritual growth. It’s always a beautiful time of encountering the sweet presence of Holy Spirit, worshiping Him, reading the Word, and learning to hear His voice.

Sometimes our devotions will vary, but I usually read scriptures out loud and we discuss in depth how it applies to our daily lives. Then I read out loud a current God story or faith building story.

One night, our faith building story came from a book titled, “My Craziest Adventures with God” by the Praying Medic.

The author shared that we need to do small things to activate and grow our faith so we have bigger faith to do bigger things. An example he gave was an ‘activation’ that can be used with kids.

In the story, he presented a penny to a child and demonstrated how it won’t stick to the wall by itself. But when you ask Holy Spirit to come and by His power hold it to the wall, He will hold it there.

My youngest son nearly jumped out of his seat and said, “I want to try that!”
Now, I have big faith, cultivated over many years of prayer and seeing God answer those prayers in miraculous ways. Yet, my first thought when my son said he wanted to try this was, “Uh oh. What if he takes this leap of faith and it doesn’t work?”

I chastised myself inwardly, then decided in my heart that I’d remain excited and would enthusiastically encourage him.  And if it didn’t work, I would tell him we could try it again tomorrow.

He found a penny and held it to the wall. He prayed out loud and… the penny stuck! It stayed for about 30 seconds then fell off. He prayed again and it stayed. Weeks later, it’s still there.

My oldest son jumped up, wanting to try it. He pressed a penny to the wall and immediately it fell. He gave a disgusted look like, ‘Why did I think this would work?’

I told him, “You need to pray!”

He prayed out loud and said, “Holy Spirit come, and by your power hold the penny to the wall.” As he prayed, we distinctly heard a crackle sound and the penny stuck. It was amazing!

Weeks later, I’m happy to report his penny is also still stuck to the wall.

Then my youngest son prayed over a third penny and it also stuck. He sat there marveling for a few minutes, then ran to his room. He returned with a hook that had a fishing weight on it and he gently placed the hook on the penny. The penny stayed! My jaw dropped.

He ran and grabbed another weight, doubling the weight to hang on the penny and tried again. And the penny stayed on the wall!

This experience has dramatically changed both of my son’s prayer lives. They have seen firsthand how the supernatural can overcome physical limitations. They now pray with authority and confidence, with a sense of wonder and awe.  

My youngest son said to me, “Mom, I’m going to pray more now, because I know it’s working!”

12 Tips for a Great Weekday Morning Routine with Your Family | Warmth & Connection in the Home

Each day, you can take steps to create warmth and connection with your family, even at the start of the day. This gives them the best chance for a bright morning and they leave for the day feeling loved, valued and treasured.

Here are 12 tips for a great weekday morning that will get everyone off to a fantastic start:

1. Get Up Early

Rise before everyone else in the home. If you work, you’ll want to be up extra early so you have time the time needed to get yourself ready first.

2. Take a Moment to Connect with God

Allow Holy Spirit to fill you with the peace and love needed to pour out to your family for the day. It’s hard to pour out to others when you are running on empty.

3. Express Love Through the Sound of Your Voice

Use a warm and gentle tone when waking your family as well as through the morning. Let them hear love in your voice. Let them see you smiling.

4. Ask How They Slept

If they didn’t sleep well, find out if they aren’t feeling well, if something is troubling them or if there is something that is keeping them awake that you can tend to later (like not having enough blankets to keep them warm through the night.)

5. Make a Protein-Rich Breakfast

Ensure they start their day with a protein-rich breakfast. Protein provides energy to stay motivated through the morning, increases alertness and supports a healthy metabolism.  Our protein-rich breakfasts vary, but we often have a breakfast burrito (scrambled eggs and shredded cheddar cheese wrapped in a flour tortilla) or a nutrient-dense chocolate protein shake if we are having oatmeal or other grains.  (see here for healthy chocolate shake options)

If they aren’t feeling well, add powdered vitamin C to their protein shake. If they are running late, they can take the breakfast with them, on the go. (Pour shakes into lidded cups and wrap breakfast burritos in napkins.)

6. Keep the Morning Lunch-Making Routine Quick and Easy

In our pantry, we each have a food shelf with bagged snacks and drinks that can be easily grabbed for quickly building personalized lunches.  Dinner left-overs are stored in small Tupperware containers the night before and marked with names, so everyone can grab and go. Sandwich and wrap supplies are all kept together on the same shelf in the fridge so we don’t spend time searching for each needed ingredient.

7. Write Notes of Encouragement

Once in a while, tuck a handwritten note into their lunch bag, with words that express your love for them. You can also write down the scripture verse that you have been praying over them daily. For young kids that you are packing lunches for, you can cut their sandwiches into stars or hearts, write a note with added stickers, and include a ‘fun fact’ card (my boys love the dinosaur fact cards and trading cards).

8. Prep the Night Before

Besides setting aside leftovers the night before, ensure coats, backpacks, shoes, keys, etc, are in their proper places, all school forms are signed, homework is gathered and ready, and they have clean clothing options for what they will wear in the morning.

9. Keep Your Focus on Them

Don’t allow yourself to get distracted by your phone or anything else that can wait until later. Be fully present and attentive to their needs.

10. Shower Them with Affection

Even during the morning rush, shower them with affection. A gentle touch on their shoulder, back, and arm releases tension and makes them feel loved and secure. I do this every chance I get, and in return my family embraces me in a giant hug before they head out – and that puts a big smile on my face.

11. Express Positive Statements as They Leave

When saying goodbyes, express heartfelt statements, such as, “Have a great day, I love you!” Sometimes, they’ll run back to give me an extra hug and I love that.

12. Pray a Covering of Protection

As they walk away, say a prayer for their safety and protection through the day.

From the time they wake up, until they are out the door, it’s a fast-paced 30 minutes for us. Then I rush to get myself off to work. Sometimes things go way off course, because not every morning will go smoothly. But those mornings when each family member leaves with a contented expression on their face, you know it’s all worthwhile.

Protein-Rich Chocolate Breakfast Shakes | A Healthy Start to Your Morning | Quick Nutrition for Kids that Tastes Great!

It’s easy to ensure you and your family start the day with a protein-rich breakfast by making these healthy chocolate shakes. Protein provides energy to stay motivated through the morning, increases alertness and supports a healthy metabolism.

Our protein-rich breakfast shakes vary each morning and sometimes we’ll try something new. But these are our go-to favorites for a delicious and nutritious start to our day.

Making a Healthy Chocolate Shake

Step 1: Fill a blender with 8 oz of whole milk or almond milk (or other nut milks, if prefered)  for each person you are making a chocolate shake for.

Step 2: Choose the type of protein you prefer and add it to the blender.

Protein Option #1 Add one scoop of ‘Chocolate Beef Protein Isolate’ for each serving. This brand has just the right amount of sweetness without being overloaded with sugar. It’s all natural and hormone-free. We love that it’s not grainy and it blends well.

Protein Option #2 If vegetarian is preferred, add one scoop of ‘Living Fuel, Living Protein’ for each serving. The protein is derived from brown rice and yellow peas. It also includes fiber, prebiotics, probiotics and enzymes.

There is no chocolate or sweetener in this protein mix, so you’ll need to add your own. Add 1 Tablespoon of Cocoa Powder for every two servings, and 1 Tablespoon of Living Fuel’s Therasweet (this is a sugar-substitute derived from berries and fruits) for every two servings.

Protein Option #3 Another vegetarian option is to add one scoop of ‘Kura, Be Alive, Sea Salt Chocolate’. The protein is derived from sunflowers, peas and pumpkin. It also includes a variety of vitamins and minerals, probiotics, prebiotics, and antioxidants sourced from superfoods.

The chocolate flavor falls a little flat with this one, so I recommend adding cocoa powder, along with a sweetener to appeal to kid’s tastes. Add 1 Tablespoon of Cocoa Powder for every two servings, and 1 Tablespoon of Living Fuel’s Therasweet (this is a sugar-substitute derived from berries and fruits) for every two servings.

Step 3: Blend and serve! If you or your kids are headed out the door and need it on-the-go, pour each shake into lidded cups.

If you’re sitting down for a meal, include a bowl of oatmeal or other grains, along with fresh fruit.

Chocolate Shake Variations:

A) If someone isn’t feeling well, add powdered vitamin C to the blender before mixing.

B) Add a frozen banana while blending. for a creamier shake.

C) Add greens to the shake for excellent brain fuel and a super-charged start to the day. We like ‘Amazing Grass, Green Superfood, Chocolate’.


Kid-Friendly Seasoned Ground Beef for Tacos and Nachos | Recipes by Carole Marie

I enjoy making our own seasoned ground beef for tacos and nachos, but my kids (and young guests) will squawk over the tiniest bit of onion, garlic or chunks of tomato.  They also don’t enjoy the meat being too spicy for their developing taste buds. So I came up with this recipe with powdered seasoning alternatives, which still utilizes all the savory flavors of those tasty ingredients, but the chunky texture is gone.

You can always include fresh, cooked or caramelized onions, garlic and tomatoes on the side for adults to add to their dish.

Try this quick and easy recipe and watch the kids go back for seconds!

Kid-Friendly Seasoned Ground Beef


  • 2 lbs ground beef
  • 2/3 cup water
  • 2 Tbsp chili powder
  • 1 Tbsp cumin
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp onion powder


  • Cook ground beef in a skillet, stirring occasionally until brown; drain. 

  • Stir in water and remaining ingredients. 

  • Simmer uncovered for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.


Kid-Friendly Seasoned Ground Beef recipe by Carole Marie (

Friday Night Fun – Food for the Younger Crowd | Hospitality in the Home

My kids know that Fridays are designated as “Friday Fun Night”. They are always welcome to invite their friends over for dinner, games and a movie.  I love the noisy chatter and laughter ringing through my home, the bonding of friendships and the happy memories being made.

We usually end up with a variety of ages of guests coming from our own neighborhood as well as from other towns –  young adults, teens, tweens, and adult friends. I love cooking for guests and planning out beautiful and tasty meals to eat together. But with the age range on Friday nights and a variety of different tastes and dietary needs, it can be difficult to feed everyone. I’ve come up with some easy ways to serve all the guests, while they also enjoy the comforts of home cooking.

I’ve usually got the food hot and ready when everyone arrives and it’s set up in the kitchen, buffet style. These are some of our favorite Friday night group dinners, where all the ingredients are set out and guests ‘build’ their own dish according to their preferences. Be sure to have plenty of napkins ready!

Tacos –  Soft and Hard Shells

This is our number one favorite!  I put out flour tortillas as well as hard shells so our guests can choose one or both and fill them up with the following:

  • Seasoned Ground Beef (see my recipe here)
  • Shredded Cheddar cheese
  • Shredded Romaine lettuce
  • Sliced olives
  • Chopped Tomatoes
  • Chopped Cilantro (fresh from the garden is best)
  • Caramelized onions & garlic
  • Salsa
  • Sour Cream
  • Avocado slices
  • Fresh-cut lime
  • Guacamole
  • Hot sauce

Sometimes I’ll deep fry small corn tortillas to make my own homemade taco shells, but it’s a really big hit when I deep fry large flour tortillas to make GIANT taco shells!

Hawaiian Hay Stacks

These Hawaiian Hay Stacks are layered – first is hot rice, second is chow-mein noodles, third is chicken, then garnish with the other toppings. Teens and older will appreciate this dish.

Begin with:

  • Hot cooked rice
  • Crispy chow-mein noodles
  • Cooked shredded chicken mixed with chicken gravy or condensed cream of chicken soup

Top with:

  • Chopped tomatoes
  • Chopped celery
  • Chopped green onions
  • Fresh pineapple chunks
  • Shredded Cheddar cheese
  • Slivered almonds
  • Shredded coconut

You’ll want to go back for seconds!

Loaded Nachos

I instruct guests to put a layer of tortilla chips on their plate, cover the chips with their chosen toppings, then pop it into the microwave to melt all the cheese. The toppings for the nachos are:

  • Seasoned Ground Beef (see my recipe here)
  • Black beans
  • Refried pinto beans
  • Shredded Cheddar cheese
  • Sliced olives
  • Chopped tomatoes
  • Caramelized onions
  • Chopped jalapeno peppers
  • Sour cream
  • Guacamole
  • Salsa (we like to have a variety such as corn salsa, mango salsa, black bean salsa, tomatillo salsa, etc)
  • Hot sauce

Build Your Own Pizza

This is a lot of fun, especially for those who don’t get many opportunities to cook in the kitchen.  Make the pizza dough (I always double the recipe) and divide it into small balls.  Sprinkle flour onto your clean countertop and rolling pin, then invite each guest to roll out their own personal pizza.

When they are done rolling, have them place the flattened dough onto the pizza pan, then let them load it up with their favorite toppings. Since my oven will only bake a few personal pizzas at a time, this is a great option for when guests will be arriving at different times.

  • Pizza sauce (we like the jarred Classico Traditional pizza sauce best)
  • Shredded Mozzarella cheese (shred extra cheese for those who prefer cheese pizza)
  • Shredded Parmesan cheese
  • Pepperoni
  • Sausage
  • Canadian bacon
  • Salami
  • Crispy bacon
  • Sliced olives
  • Chopped pineapple
  • Caramelized onion
  • Caramelized garlic
  • Mushrooms
  • Bell peppers
  • Chopped tomatoes
  • Anything else you’d like to add!

Above all, enjoy this time, savor the good food and enjoy these beautiful moments together with family and friends!